Movie lovers cannot forget the sensation Ajay Bhupati created with the bold film RX100. The film which featured Kartikeya and Payal Rajput left all stunned with its performance at the box office.
Ajay Bhupati is planning his next titled Maha Samudram. Sharwanand and Sai Pallavi will play lead roles in the film that will begin later this year or early next year. In the meantime, rumors are spreading that Ajay Bhupati is planning to come up with a sequel for his bold film RX100.
Ajay Bhupati revealed that he is using the lockdown to the maximum and is readying script for RX 100 sequel. He added the RX 100 sequel storyline suits Karthikeya a lot.
The question is will Ajay Bhupati cast Payal Rajput for the female lead and will the sequel become an even bigger sensation than the original.