We have talked much about coronavirus. Many people and media are doing overboard action on coronavirus. We are just worrying about triple digit number of corona positive cases and double digit deaths are recorded in India daily. Enough!! Let's go through the statistics of other horrifying diseases of India. And these numbers make you enlightened that these diseases are horrendous than corona by manifolds.
* A total of 6.2 crore diabetic active cases are in India. According to a study, 25000 people are losing their lives with this ghastly disease, everyday.
* A total of 7000 people are recorded with the gruesome cancer disease daily. The death toll per day clocks at 1300.
* In a sad state of affairs, a sum of 5.45 crores of Indian are suffering from heart related (cardio vascular) diseases. A total of 20000 people are buzzed to have been losing lives everyday.
* A total of 2.7 crore people are suffering from frightful disease, TB. The death toll is said to be 15000 per day.
* Around 3 crore people are suffering respiratory diseases like Asthma, Bronchitis etc.
* Though the exact numbers not revealed, lakhs of Malarial patients are reported everyday and several thousands are losing their lives.
* Around 23 lakh people are suffering from AIDS in India. The total number of deaths reported, everyday, are 120.