Taking the call of PM Narendra Modi and CMs of Telugu states, some Telugu news channels have been supporting nation-wide lockdown round the clock for quite some time. Of course, it could have been a wise and timely move, had the support got confined to certain extent.
But then, as usually, some channels are exhibiting overboard promotions on lockdown which are giving nauseating feel to the viewers. These channels have not even mulled to telecast the plight of the common people and migrant workers who are facing paramount hardships in this massive crisis.
Meanwhile, it's alleged by some viewers that a few Telugu news channels indulged in trolling the USA for not imposing the lockdown.
"Implementation of lockdown is still a debatable topic. The consequences will be seen in near future with a huge recession. Even then, people of India respected 21-day lockdown proposed by the rulers. Extension of this lockdown is undoubtedly a huge experiment. Yet again, people may still be readied to face for another two weeks extension," an opinion expressed by an economist.
However, in a desperate attempt to support lockdown, a top news channel, once it was run by Ravi Prakash, broadcast mudslinging programmes on the US government's decision of not to impose the lockdown. Besides, the channels are repeatedly making comments on the maximum number of corona positve cases and deaths reported in the US.
And the adverse effects are witnessed with the channel's criticizing programmes on the US. Having been inspired by Telugu channels' criticism on the US, an NRI shared a controversial video the other day in which she lambasted the US and praised India. But then, a few other NRIs breathed fire on the video and filed a petition in the court. They said, "We flew all the way from India to the US. And we are earning money and are winning bread here. How can she criticize a country where she is living now?"
According to the US population census, a total of 45 lakh Indians have been settled there. Before indulging in criticism, our channels should consider the lakhs of NRIs feelings so as not to air controversial programmers.