Prince Mahesh Babu is supposed to work with Geetha Govindam director Parasuram soon. On the other hand, Young Tiger NTR got RRR's next project is confirmed with wizard of words Trivikram. The film's title was also confirmed 'Ayinanu Poyi Raavale Hasthinaku'.
According to a tittle-tattle, Mahesh Babu wished to work with Trivikram and has reportedly asked the director to prepare a script for him. Since NTR's RRR is expected to be delayed, Trivikram is contemplating to do Mahesh Babu's film instead of NTR's. If at all this gossip turns true, it'll be a huge jolt to NTR who is eagerly awaiting to with Trivikram. Besides, NTR and Trivikram's film will get a prolonged postponement.
Previously, Vamsi Paidipally received a shocker from Mahesh Babu with the cancellation of the project. Will Parasuram also meet the same fate? Let's wait and watch.