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Temperatures Proof on Corona: That PM Plans for Great Fame?

Temperatures Impact on Coronavirus

Here is an interesting study. This study indicates temperatures play a major role in the spread of coronavirus. The raise in temperature is directly proportional to the rapid spread of coronavirus where as the low temperatures are directly proportional to lower spread of corona. Checkout the followin analysis. 

Highest temperatures of top ten countries of corona positive cases (27th March, 2020) (in Degree Celsius): USA - 11, Italy - 14, China - 15, Spain - 17, Germany - 10, France - 12, Iran - 17, UK - 11, Switzerland - 12, South Korea - 11. 

Highest Temperatures of the Countries with Less Number of Corona Positive (27th March, 2020) (in Degree Celsius): Pakistan - 29, Sri Lanka - 32, Qatar - 29, Egypt - 26, Kuwait - 28, Zimbabwe - 26, XXX ( Country's name not mentioned, You can assume) - 32

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Analysis: Having gone through above analysis it's clearly evident that the temperature levels play a vital role in the spread of viruses. But then, it's made out that some countries' heads want to get international fame with their cunning strategies. They are intentionally trying to impose lockdowns to maximum number of days. If the lockdowns are confined just to two to three weeks, it can be justified. But then, imposing lockdowns for two or three months can definitely be treated a rude and selfish act. Shockingly, media too don't make analyses on these naked truths. They are on 24 hours duty to threaten people to ensure benefits to the country's leaders. Hopefully, the heads of those countries should not indulge in such bad practices.

NB: Above study is not scientific. It's based on some assumptions. Scientists yet to discover exact reasons of the spread of the disease.

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