Having made his entry on social media, Megastar Chiranjeevi has been very active on Twitter and Instagram platforms. On the occasion of Mega Power Star Ram Charan's birthday tomorrow, Megastar shared a rare of pic of his and Ram Charan in which Ram Charan is an infant kid who is taken to arms by Megastar.
Meanwhile, Chiranjevi disclosed an interesting fact about Ram Charan's birthday. Chiranjeevi said, Ram Charan was born on 'World Theatres Day' (Prapancha Rangasthala Dinotsavam) that falls on March 27.
"I ws naturally overjoyed when Charan was born. It was only much later that it occurred to me there was perhaps a reason why he was born on the #WorldTheatreDay 27th March- 'Prapancha Rangasthala Dinotsavam'! He took to acting like a fish to water. On the eve of @alwaysramcharan's birthday, Many Many Happy Returns #Charan," Chiranjeevi posted.
Perhaps, which is why Mega Power Star's Rangasthalam scored an industry hit.