Mega power star Ram Charan rejoined the social platform Twitter today, one day prior to his birthday. The actor will ring in his 35th birthday on March 27. Inspired by his uncle power star Pawan Kalyan's donation of Rs 2 Cr, Ram Charan has donated Rs 70 Lakhs to the Coronavirus relief centers.
Ram Charan's comeback Twitter post announces a donation of Rs 70 lakhs to the Centre and states of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh Relief Funds. In the tweet, he also mentions that he is inspired by his 'Guru' - Pawan Kalyan. Ram Charan's tweet is flooding with netizens appreciating his gesture.
“Hope this tweet finds you in good health. At this hour of crisis, inspired by @PawanKalyan garu, I want to do my bit by contributing to aid the laudable efforts of our governments...
Hope you all are staying safe at home! @TelanganaCMO @AndhraPradeshCM @PMOIndia @KTRTRS,” tweeted Charan.
In reply, Pawan Kalyan stated, “My wholehearted gratitude to Sri Ram Charan @AlwaysRamCharan for donating Rs. 70 lakhs to fight against Corona Pandemic.”