Actress Nidhi Agerwal has set the screens on ablaze with her latest eye-popping show in retro avatar in light pink dress. Known for making internet soar with her hot and bold look, she has once again making the eyes go sore with her sexy picture flaunting her perfectly toned body on social media.
With such admirable beauty, Nidhi Agerwal has gained a huge number of followers on social media as well as dedicated fan communities on Twitter and Instagram. She on regular basis posting her photo shoot pictures to dfelight her fans, followers and also to lure filmmakers with her hot show.
Nidhi Agerwal who scored her first hit with iSmart Shankar is presently starring in Mahesh Babu’s nephew Ashok Galla’s debut flick with Sriram Aditya. She is also starring in a Tamil film Bhoomi and a Kannada film James. She is in talks for few film in Telugu as well.