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Corona Care: They Criticized Chiru Then, But Now?

Chiranjeevi Took This Care Long Back! And They Doing It Now

It was 2009. Megastar Chiranjeevi was rigorously campaigning for general elections on his Prajarajyam party's behalf. Naturally, his public meets and road shows were turned up by lakhs of people. And some crazy fans would try to get their hands shaken with Megastar's hands.

Eventually, Megastar shook thousands of hands during his road shows. Having completed every road show, Chiranjeevi used to wash his hands with sanitizers which, eventually, received brickbats from opposition parties. Top leaders of the TDP and the Congress party spilled venom on Chiranjeevi alleging that Chiranjeevi had washed his hands just for touching the poor people's hands. 

In fact, Chiranjeevi did it as part of keeping himself healthy and hygienic and most importantly, to stay away from the spread of contagious diseases. Whatsoever, Megastar would never give counter to rival politicians comments. 

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It's 2020. The Coronavirus, which originated in Wuhan city of China, has become a pandemic disease now. Many nations announced national emergency while most of the educational institutions, shopping malls and other organisations remained shut in many states of India. 

With the emergence of social media and communication technology, people are very much aware of the symptoms of the virus and precautionary measures to be taken by them. They are exhibiting an immense interest wearing masks and using sanitizers. Ironically, those politicians who castigated Chiranjeevi for using sanitizers are applying santizers now to get their hands washed. What will they say about Chiranjeevi's care on his hands then? They might have made out how inferior their thought process in front of Chiranjeevi's vision and the awareness on health and hygiene.

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