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YS Jagan the Cursed CM?

Why YS Jagan the Cursed CM?

There are numerous chief minsters who administered various states of India. But then, AP CM YS Jagan Mohan Reddy is said to have created a rare record achieving anti-incumbency status to his government in a very short span of time. Some critics even went on overboard calling YS Jagan the cursed CM. According to them, following sections of people turned against the government. 

EMPLOYEES: Like never before, the government kept 4 DAs of employees pending and is delaying Pay Revision Commission (PRC) report abnormally. Above all, rules became strict in the implementation of biometric attendance. If the IRIS and biometric devices are made of high end technology, the government's decisions could be appreciated. But then, the employees are supplied with cheap devices. Besides, the government is taking no measures to rectify server issues.

CONSUMERS OF ALCOHOL: Some people consume alcohol everyday while some more people prefer weekends to booze. While many more people take alcohol only at occasions or once per a month. All these sections of people are literally hating and cursing the CM for hiking alcohol praises unconventionally. Moreover, they are disgusted with non-availability of their favourite alcoholic brands. 

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A SECTION OF PEOPLE WITH NO RESERVATIONS: This is a larger section who are fairly disappointed with the government's stand. A recent jolt by supreme court in local body reservations should make the CM an eye opener. On the other hand, the CM is hoped to exhibit transparent stand towards all religions coz he is suspected to be biased on particular religion.  

PRIVATE COMPANIES: It's said to be an idiotic decision forcing private companies to implement 75% local reservations. Not only managements of private companies but also a larger section of youth who want to get placed in MNCs in top class cities of many cities across India, are castigating YS Jagan's decision. They are worrying if the same rule is implemented by other states.

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