Telangana Chief Minister KCR's birthday falls on February 17. On this cheerful occasion, TRS activists and many people from Telangana are all set to celebrate the moment.
Incidentally, mega fans have also decided to get the birthday of the Telangana CM celebrated through a charitable activity. Mega fans, on behalf of 'Chiranjeevi Charitable Trust', will be donating blood at Suryapet. TS minister Guntakandla Jagadeesh Reddy will be gracing the occasion as a chief guest for the blood donation camp.
It's a known news that KCR has decided to take all measures to develop film industry in Telangana. Recently, TS cinematography minister Talasani Srinivas Yadav held discussions with Megastar Chiranjeevi and King Nagarjuna on various issues being faced by the industry people. Likely, many welfare programmes for industry's workers will be announced by the CM soon.
Since the government is extending its support to the film industry, Megastar is also pleased with the government's initiative. As such, he might have let his fans to donate blood on KCR's birthday.