Stylish Star Allu Arjun's Ala Vaikunthapurramloo directed by Trivikram Srinivas landed the producers in huge profits. However, inside talk is the producers spent a bomb on the film's budget. They incurred over Rs 1crs unwanted expenses on the project and also spent a whopping amount in the name of publicity.
Buzz is everything ended on a happy note with the film turning out to be the blockbuster but had the film bombed at the box office, things would have been completely different.
Actually the makers first thought another story for Ala Vaikunthapurramloo. They even acquired the rights of Bollywood film Sonu Ki Titu Ke Sweety. But later they changed their mind and went into Trivikram's line and came with a family entertainer. Thus unexpectedly Ala Vaikunthapurramloo happened and turned out to be the biggest hit.
However, the producer who shelled crores of money to acquire the remake rights of Bollywood film Sonu Ki Tittu Ke Sweety is not finding any heroes interested to star in the remake.
Even young heroes too are showing no interest in the project as remakes are failing at the box office. So the producers who spent money on acquiring the rights have now lost hopes on the money.
Not only this, but the producers who acquired the remake rights of various Bollywood hits are facing the same problem.