The fake collections war in Tollywood took an ugly turn with the fake gross collections announced by two big films released for this Sankranthi season. Hitherto, Sarileru Neekevvaru's team initiated fake collections. In turn, Ala Vaikunthapurramuloo team also ensured fake gross collections on the wall posters.
However, as per trade sources, the exact share of AVPL stands at Rs.158+ crores while SLN's share clocks at Rs.107+ crores.
In the wake of the collection war between two films, a member of the producers guild stated that the guild would reveal official collections of films in near future.
However, cine lovers are suspecting the producers guild's chastity. They have come up with a strong and solid evidence how the producers' guild expressed its bias on SLN.
"It was AVPL's team only that announced their film's release date first for Sankranthi. Later, SLN's team joined the race. Thereafter, the Tom and Jerry show between the two films was kickstarted. And then, when AVPL contemplated to release their film for January 10, team SLN worried to the core predicting the damage done to their film on the opening day. Eventually, SLN's team approached producers' guild. The guild, however, turned biased and unilateral and advised team AVPL to get their film's release pushed to January 12. SLN got released on January 11," recalled the decision of producers guild by cine lovers.
"It seems SLN's team approached producers guild again to ensure their fake collections turned authentic with producers guild's announcement. Perhaps, producers guild show minute difference between AVPL and SLN's collections. We request producers guild not to get indulged in announcing fake collections of any film. Instead, they should work hard to bring about powerful tracking system for box office collections," advised cine lovers to producers' guild.