Vincenzo Bocciarelli is a popular Italian actor who is doing main lead in one of the Malayalam film titled ‘Nirakazhcha’ is known to deep struck in love Mamatha mohandas, the female lead of movie.
Movie is based on renowned Indian painter Raja Ravi Varma and his paintings. The Screenplay for the movie has been provided by Italian based Daisy Chacko while director would be a Malayali Aneesh J Karinad.
During the shoot of few intimate scenes, their love is known to have sprouted up and sources in Malluwood are making a big discussion on this Malayali connection with Italian. ‘Nirakazhcha’ will be even dubbed in other languages such as Tamil, Hindi, Kannada and Telugu and also in Spanish, Russian, German, Italian, and Arabic.
So, Mamatha’s love with Italian hero is to take several languages.