Talented Telugu hero Naveen Chandra made impressive debut in Telugu with Andala Rakshasi. Though the film directed by Hanu Raghavapudi bombed at the box office, the young hero won accolades for his performance. But, he failed to reach the next level of stardom because of his poor story selections.
Naveen Chandra who starred in few Kollywood movies makes his debut as villain in Tamil with Dhanush starrer Pattas. Trailer of the film hitting the screens for this Sankranthi on January 16th is released today and Naveen Chandra makes good impression with his looks and villainy acts. The trailer also looks promising. If this film directed by Durai Senthilkumar becomes hit, Naveen Chandra will surely become a busy actor in Tamil and other languages for negative roles.
Naveen Chandra was last seen in Evaru that featured Adivi Sesh and Regina Cassandra. The Venkat Ramji directorial was a runaway hit. But, Naveen did not get any crazy offers in Telugu. Hope, Pattas will be a game changer for the young hero.