At the 2020 diary launch of Movie Artists Association (MAA) took place yesterday, Rajasekhar interrupted the proceedings to speak about his ongoing fight with the association President Naresh whom he calls as the current. He also blamed the association for losing out on films and personal losses incurred by him.
Chiranjeevi was visibly upset, as he had earlier said that issues between members of the MAA should be figured out internally, without taking them public or talking to the media. The event was also attended by other big names such as Mohan Babu, Krishnam Raju, Mohan Babu etc.
Chiranjeevi then asked association to take strong disciplinary action on Rajasekhar for his controversial speech. Meanwhile, it is coming out that, Mohan Babu is said to have proposed to impose informal ban on Rajasekhar. Chiranjeevi also allegedly approved the proposal.
They will make a decision on this after discussing with other key members of MAA. As per their proposal, they will not enforce direct ban, but an unofficial ban.