Latest rumors on Ramcharan to have lesser space in RRR compared to Junior NTR led to plenty of discussion among Fans circles. Like every time, numero uno director Rajamuli has kept nump just enjoying the creativity of gossipmongers. Having dealt with landmark projects aka Baahubali series or Magadheera and many more, we all know that nobody in Indian cinema can judge a script or make a film as good as Rajamouli.
Although Telugu cinema has seen decent multi starrer combinations in recent times, RRR is huge in all the terms. Combining Nandamuri compound with Mega compound is by no means a simple job. Yet, people are confident that Jakkanna very well knows the balancing mechanism on how to use the power of both these stars. So, there is no space for rumors to take the driver’s seat. All these fake news might have their time for a day or two.
An annoyed Fan of Telugu multi starrers commented, ‘he is Rajamouli and we don’t need to tell him on what’s what. RRR will truly be a bigger film than Baahubali and uplift the prestige of Telugu film industry to next level. So, Mega and Nandamuri Fans will not have any worries on RRR and their star’s importance.’ Isn’t this really a true and genuine opinion.