Maverick director Ram Gopal Varma is currently busy with his controversial project Kamma Rajyamlo Kadapa Reddlu. Already many organizations and few political outfits lodged a complaint against the film and RGV asking cops to take action against him and direct him to change the title as it looked divisive and may disrupt peace and harmony between two communities.
In the meantime, RGV is having his own way showing real life politicians as per his wishes. The characters of AP CM Jagan, former CM Chandra Babu, his son Lokesh and Janasena chief Pawan Kalyan is triggering huge response. Already the trailer revealed that Pawan Kalyan's and Praja Shanti leader KA Paul's roles will be shown in a hilarious manner.
Now speculation is on whether RGV has the guts to touch on the controversial murder mystery of AP CM Jagan Mohan Reddy's uncle YS Vivekananda Reddy. Everyone knows the controversy generated over YS Vivekananda Reddy's death in two Telugu states. Many rumors and allegations spread over it.
Some say RGV may not touch that controversy but we never know RGV and he may leave all shell-shocked.