Kalyan Ram's upcoming film Entha Manchivadavuraa teaser has been out. It's a story that runs on village backdrop. Everyone among the family including grand parents, father, sister and lover assert Kalyan Ram as a good samaritan. Contrary to their certification, he beats goons black and blue.
When someone asks him why he punishes goons, irrespective of being a good samaritan, he says even manchivadu Rama kills Ravana.
Satish Vegesna, the director of national award winning film Shatamanam Bhavati, assures yet another family entertainer under village backdrop. Music by Gopi Sundar is apt while the DOP Raja Thota captured village location from bird's eye view well. Aditya Music is venturing into film production for the first time. And lastly, Kalyan Ram, himself, reveals he (the film) will be arriving for Sankranthi..