Megastar Chiranjeevi's Sye Raa Narasimhareddy is continuing its collections storm at the Tollywood box office. In spite of the first Monday, yesterday, the film refused to give up and had a strong hold at the box office. Having collected Rs.75.88 crores share in AP and Telangana, the film stood next to Baahubali 2 in all time first week top grossers n Telugu states. Following is the list of top six highest share films of Tollywood.
1. BAAHUBALI 2: Rs.117.42 CR
2. SYE RAA: RS. 75.88 CR (SIX DAYS)
3. SAAHO: RS.73.46 CR
5. MAHARSHI: RS.58.06 CR
6. KHAIDI NUMBER 150: RS.57.03 CR