Tamil hero Suriya's Kaappaan released in Telugu as Bandobast yesterday in a grand manner. The film featured Suriya as NSG commando and Complete Actor Mohanlal as PM Chandrakanth Varma.
In the film, PM Chandrakanth Varma gets assassinated and in the end it was found that he was murdered by a villain played by Sourashtra cricketer Chirag Jani.
In fact, the makers first offered the role played by Chirag Jani to Mega Hero Allu Sirish. The mega hero too gave green signal but just ahead of the film's London schedule he walked out of the project. Actually, Allu Sirish walked out of the project as his dates clashed with his then film ABCD.
Chirag Jain in the role has looked stylish and made his presence felt. Now many wonder whether Allu Sirish, Mega Hero refused the offer of Bandobast, not to become PM murderer?