Mega Prince Varun Tej is renowned for doing different genre roles. He is set to surprise with his upcoming film Valmki which is a remake of Tamil hit Jigarthanda. Harish Shankar made few changes in the original to elevate the role of Varun Tej. It is known that the film has the remix of Sobhan Babu, Sridevi's super hit song Elluvachi Godaramma from Devata.
Generally, mega heroes always do remix of Mega Star Chiranjeevi's songs. Under these circumstances, people are wondering why Varun Tej and Harish Shankar decided to remix Sobhan Babu's song.
Buzz is as per the story, Varun Tej playing the role of Kammaraju who is the fan of Sobhan Babu and so he dances to the remix of Sobhan Babu's song along with Pooja Hegde. Valmiki is scheduled for release on September 20th.