Yesteryear actress Sridevi's daughter Janhvi Kapoor is making waves in B-Town with her hot looks and cute performance. After casting a magic spell with her performance in her debut film Dhadak, she is now busy with her upcoming entertainers like Karan Johar's Takht, biopic on IAF pilot Gunjan Saxena and Rajkumar Rao's Rooh Afza.
In the meantime it is coming out that Janhvi Kapoor borrowed money from her driver much to the surprise of all.
A kid selling books came running towards Janhvi while she was about to get into her car. Janhvi did not have any money to buy the books, but the kid not leaving her, she borrowed money from her driver and gave the same to the kid.
Janhvi's gesture is winning the hearts of all.