Chinmayi's husband and Manmadhudu 2's director Rahul Ravindran has gone overboard incorporating original English boothulu in King Nagarjuna's Manmadhudu 2. Though censor suggested to mute a few 'boothulu', we can expect many more in the film. At this framework, Chinmayi, who is considered to be 'Aadajaathi Aanimuthyam' by some feminists, is expected to react on her hubby's filthy act. Following is the list of boothulu in Manmadhudu 2 which are to be muted.
* Excise words Reddyvari Veedhi, Kammavari Veedhi (covered with CG shots)
* Excise words 'Madrasi' (muted)
* What the fuck, fucki*** basta**, where ever they occur (muted)
* Madar****, behenc*** (muted)
* Excise words 'Fuc**** off you bit**'( muted)
* Excise words 'Fuc**** slu*' (muted)
* Excise kiss between heroine and Jhansi (covered with CG shots)
* Excise moaning sounds in beginning ( muted)
* Insert static warning message liquor (inserted)