Finally, Puri Jagannadh scored a smashing hit. The director and hero Energetic Star Ram hit the bulls eye firmly. iSmart Shankar opened with rave reviews and positive word of mouth from all corners. Resultantly, the film recorded superb openings everywhere.
In East Godavari, the film minted Rs.13,40,149 gross with 100% occupancy. In RTC X Roads, the film accumulated Rs.15,59,627 first day gross. Interestingly, the film is doing equally well in all A, B and C class centres.
Ram's high octane energetic performance and Puri's stunning takes are said to be prime reason for the movie's outstanding openings. It remains to be seen how well the film keep its momentum in upcoming days.
Nidhi Agarwal and Nabha Natesh have done female leads while Manisharma scored tunes.