Bollywood Super Star Salman Khan and Mega family share good bonding with each other. While Ram Charan spends memorable moments in Salman's house whenever he visits Mumbai, Salman Khan visits Chiranjeevi's house whenever he lands in Hyderabad.
According to the latest it is coming out that Salman Khan went all out for Chiranjeevi. The mega star who is starring in Sye Raa Narasimha Reddy is readying for his next under the direction of Koratala Siva.
It is known that Chiranjeevi will be seen in dual shades in the film. He already started working out for his roles. As such Ram Charan who is producing the film on Konidela Productions contacted Salman Khan regarding Chiranjeevi's makeover and physical transformation.
Salman at once obliged and sent his personal trainer from Mumbai to Hyderabad. Inside talk is Chiranjeevi is now training under the supervision of Salman's trainer. Koratala in the meanwhile is planning to show Chiranjeevi in a never seen before manner.