Former MP, senior actor Murali Mohan has been suffering from back pain for quite some time. This time he stayed away from contesting the Lok Sabha elections. He got admitted in Care Hospital and doctors performed surgery to his backbone. Murali Mohan revealed that he underwent surgery and he is recovering quite well.
Meanwhile, Mega Star Chiranjeevi who is known to respect everyone went to Murali Mohan’s house along with his wife Surekha and spent quality time with him after inquiring about his health. Chiru wished Murali Mohan speedy recovery.
Besides Chiranjeevi, Telangana Minister Malal Reddy and Chevella MP P Ranjith Reddy also visited Murali Mohan and they also wished speedy recovery for the senior actor.
On the other hand, Chiranjeevi is currently busy shooting for his upcoming entertainer Sye Raa which is progressing at a brisk pace under the direction of Surender Reddy.