Maverick director Ram Gopal Varma is currently busy overseeing the release of his controversial film Lakshmi's NTR in Andhra Pradesh. Ahead of the film release, RGV went to Vijayawada and addressed media. In the process he turned nostalgic when he went visiting the hostel room where he used to stay when he studied Engineering in Siddhartha Engineering College, Vijayawada.
He got a shock when his boys' hostel was turned into Girls Hostel. When RGV visited the hostel, many girl students competed with each other to have selfies with him.
Turning nostalgic, RGV shared, "This is a room I stayed for more than 2 years in Siddhardha engineering college hostel back in my student days has now become a girls hostel and these lovely girls are it’s present roommates ..I used to have a Sridevi poster stuck on the wall behind me."
In recent times, RGV announced numerous projects and few amongst them were KCR’s biopic and Kamma Rajyamlo Kadapa Redlu.