Allu Sirish, brother of Stylish Star Allu Arjun, after scoring his first hit with Srirasthu Subhamastu, recently thrilled movie buffs with Okka Kshanam. He is now getting ready to entertain with his upcoming film ABCD which is slated for release on May 17th.
Allu Sirish, during the film promotions, made startling revelations. He said, “On my 21st birthday, I asked my father Allu Aravind that I too want a car like Ram Charan and Arjun. I told him I want a sports car and questioned why you do not want to present me when you presented the same to Arjun."
My father slapped me and shouted, "You are a spoilt brat. First of all understand the value of money before asking for expensive gifts." During that time I felt my father cheated me, but after three years I realized why my father was so strict after I bought my own car with my hard earned money.”
ABCD (American Bride and Confused Desi) stars Ruksar Dhillon, Bharata and Naga Babu in important roles under the direction of Sanjeev Reddy.