Super Star Mahesh Babu's milestone 25th film Maharshi hit the screens in a spectacular manner across the world yesterday. The craze to watch Mahesh Babu's 25th film on big screen is increasing and almost all theatres are showing housefull boards.
In the midst of all this, even as Maharshi team is overwhelmed with the positive response from all quarters, they got a huge shock when piracy bomb exploded on them. Notorious TamilRockers, known to pirate and upload HD quality print of almost all movies and who recently uploaded Hollywood film Avengers End Game, now struck on Maharshi.
They posted Maharshi full HD movie online on their website within hours of its release. This came as a shock to the makers who are now trying hard to take out the links. TamilRockers has a wide network, which is one of the reasons why the website couldn't be blocked. Despite taking stringent measures, the website operates on different domains and continue to leak films on the day of the release.