A top Telugu news channel's head is always preachy about casteism and others issues of the society. Also, the channel always proclaims that it works for better society. In fact, the channel would always work in favour of TDP and particular caste.
Since Janasena chief Power Star Pawan Kalyan initiated a rebellion against the channel for broadcasting nonstop programs with vulgar people who used filthy language on him, the channel unofficially imposed a ban on Janasena activities.
During general elections, the channel worked against Janasena telecasting criticisms made by political leaders on Pawan Kalyan but would never telecast counter statements of Pawan Kalyan and other Janasena leaders.
It is a known thing that Janasena did not distribute money to the voters. Tonight at 9 pm, the channel's head will be telecasting a programme about money expenditure in elections. The scrolling reads as 'Where is democracy?'. Well, it could definitely have been a fantastic programme had the channel's head was unbiased towards any political party. But then, He has never encouraged Janasena for maintaining ethics and avoiding distribution of money. In contrast, the cahnnel encouraged TDP and YSRCP who distributed money to the voters. As such, there won't be any morality and authentity for telecasting such programmes. The channel's head should shed his hypocrisy first and should telecast such value based programmes next.