Recently, movie lovers got a shocking news that Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas are on the verge of parting ways calling off their 3 months old marriage. But Priyanka, made her shocked fans happy by sharing her memorable snaps on social media.
Priyanka also made it clear that she will sue the website which carried out story spreading lies about her marriage with Nick Jonas. As if to call their bluff, she shared her happy moments when she attended Jonas Brothers' concert for the first time.
During the concert, Priyanka stunned all with her acts. A fan threw a bra at Priyanka's husband Nick Jonas, his brothers Joe and Kevin during the concert. Priyanka who watched it, picked up the bra off the floor and waved it with a big smile. She then stunned all by handing over the bra to her husband and remarked, 'a gift from your fan'.