Krish attained a reputation for his creativity with his thought-provoking and powerful message-oriented films like Gamyam, Vedam, Krishnam Vande Jagadgurum, Kanche, Tagore and even Bollywood film Gazbar is Back. He got immense craze with Natasimha Balakrishna's Gautami Putra Satakarni.
Many expected that this would be a career changer for him. But from then on his difficulties increased. When Bollywood Queen Kangana Ranaut roped him a the director for her prestigious project Manikarnika-The Queen of Jhansi, a biopic on freedom fighter Jhansi Lakshmi Bai, expectations increased. But in between, he got the opportunity to direct Natasimha Balakrishna's biopic on his dad, Sr.NTR.
Troubles increased for him as he ditched Manikarnika in the middle to concentrate on NTR Kathanayakudu and Mahanayakudu. The NTR biopic which many expected to be a trendsetter turned out to be a disaster of the first kind and Manikarnika credit went to Kangana Ranaut which triggered a bitter war of words.
Now, none from Tollywood is looking to work with Krish. So Krish is getting ready to prove a point by doing a Bollywood film. Buzz is the Bollywood project will be a big budget entertainer and right after that, he may team with Allu Arjun. The question is can Krish shut the mouths of the critics with his upcoming Bollywood film.