RRR, the much awaited multi-starrer from director SS Rajamouli starring young tiger NTR and mega power star Ram Charan becomes big with Bollywood stars like Ajay Devgn and Alia Bhatt joining it. Rajamouli who proclaimed Alia’s character name as Sita did not divulge any details of Ajay’s character during RRR press meet. The only thing he said was, Ajay will make appearance in flashback episode.
It is now learnt that, Ajay Devgn is playing the role of a freedom fighter who inspires both Alluri Seetha Rama Raju and Komaram Bheem played by Charan and NTR to fight for their people. Ajay’s role will exist for 30 minutes out of a 40 minutes flashback. He will join the shoot soon.
RRR’s next schedule will commence in Ahmedabad. Tamil actor Samuthirakhani plays a crucial role in the film set in 1920’s. Daisy Edger is other heroine. Produced by DVV Danayya, RRR is slated for release on June 30, 2020.