Maverick director Ram Gopal Varma dedicated his Lakshmi's NTR film to a right person, who inspired him making the film. And the person is none other than Natasimham Nandamuri Balakrishna.
As we know, Balakrishna thought of doing NTR biopic in the combo of RGV. The director and the hero had a few crucial meets on script discussions. Since Nandamuri fans exhibited a sheer negativity on the combo, Balakrishna dropped his idea working with the director and collaborated with Krish for making NTR Kathanayakudu and Mahanayakudu. Sadly both the film turned as historical flops at the box office.
RGV, however, was furious over Balakrishna for turning down the project abruptly. RGV became adamant to work on NTR's biopic in his unique style. Subsequently, Lakshmi's NTR was made and the film's trailers won RGV enormous fame as an honest director.
In the meanwhile, RGV dedicated Lakshmi's NTR film to Balakrishna during the promotional event of the film held on Friday. RGV said his meeting with Balakrishna inspired him making NTR biopic. Also, he made it clear that no political factors moved him in the make of Lakshmi's NTR.