India's biggest multi-starrer RRR's shoot is underway. One of the heroes of the film, Young Tiger NTR, was said to have essayed a beast like character in the film. Furthermore, it was said Young Tiger left for the US to undergo special makeover for his different role in the film.
In the meanwhile, NTR attended as one of the guests for Kalyan Ram's 118 film's pre release event held on Monday. NTR was seen in thick bearded look same as in the case of his get ups in many of his previous films. Somehow, it appears like Rajamouli hasn't preferred complete makeovers of both Mega Power Star Ram Charan and NTR in the film.
RRR has its music provided by Keeravani. Alia Bhatt is playing one of the leading ladies. DVV Danayya is bankrolling the film on DVV Entertainments.