Maverick director Ram Gopal Varma is hogging the media limelight with his controversial film Lakshmi's NTR. Many feel everything seems as smooth sailing for RGV's Lakshmi's NTR for the release at the box office but it resembles silence before thunder storm.
They say that is the reason why RGV though cleverly using Natasimha Balakrishna's NTR Mahanayakudu weaknesses is not opening his mouth about the release of Lakshmi's NTR. As usual he is looking to generate as much hype as possible on social media but is going silent when asked about the release date.
At first he boasted that he will release Lakshmi's NTR when Mahanayakudu releases. But he let go the opportunity. Now many are wondering what happens if RGV announces its release after Election Commission gives notification for the elections in Andhra Pradesh.
TDP may go to court against the film release seeking stay on it claiming that RGV made the film against his party leader and CM of the state alleging opposition conspiracy and this may stop the film’s release. RGV is going on claiming that he is highlighting Chandra Babu's backstabbing NTR and even released videos showing CBN's real images.
This could be used as proof by the TDP and the film's release may be stalled. RGV may have already foreseen all these developments and so he may be having alternate plan. Even if the film gets censored, one cannot do anything if case is filed against Lakshmi's NTR in the court.