Natasimha Balakrishna proudly announced a biopic on his dad NTR in two parts as NTR-Kathanayakudu and NTR-Mahanayakudu is progressing at a brisk pace under the direction of creative director Krish. Expectations are increasing as Balakrishna who is leaving no stone unturned roped in top stars across the country for the biopic.
Even the fans and movie lovers are getting excited and the film’s first looks attracted all with the striking resemblances of the characters. However doubts are increasing whether the biopic has everything in it to connect chords with the movie lovers and succeed at the box office.
Biopic on legendary actress Savitri, Mahanati turned out to be such a big hit as Nag Ashwin used Savitri’s memories only as a support and wove web of powerful emotions around it. Savitri’s biopic highlighted her emotions right from her innocence childhood, rise to stardom and romantic life and fall from grace. Many got emotionally moved watching Savitri’s fall from grace.
Now the question is does NTR Biopic has those kinds of emotions.
Inside talk is the biopic will only glorify NTR’s qualities by recreating his blockbuster films and evergreen songs on screen. If this is true, then it is difficult to attract movie lovers with such content. It may attract the diehard fans of Balakrsihna and NTR but may not appeal to people in general who wish to see the ups and downs in NTR’s life and the human emotions surrounding it.