Naga Chaitanya and Nidhi Agerwal starrer Savyasachi directed by Chandoo Mondeti under Mythri Movie Makers will be hitting the screens on 2nd November. The film has done a worldwide theatrical business of Rs 23.76 crores. Here is break up list:
Area |
Distributor |
Business |
Dil Raju |
6.50 |
Ceded |
3.07 |
Vizag |
Gayathri Devi Films |
2.50 |
East |
Om Manikanta |
1.50 |
West |
1.07 |
Guntur |
Shankar & KFC Naveen |
1.70 |
Krishna |
Shankar & KFC Naveen |
1.20 |
Nellore |
Bhaskar Reddy |
0.70 |
Karnataka |
Swagath Enterprises |
2.00 |
Overseas |
EW Entertainers |
3.52 |
Total |
23.76 |
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