Young Tiger Jr NTR's Aravinda Sametha announced their arrival on Oct 11. The makers are getting ready to celebrate pre-release function on Oct 2nd. However the negative sentiment surrounding Aravinda Sametha is surprising all. Generally makers don’t celebrate any functions on Tuesday.
This has special reason. Since the astrologers suggested the same date after going through the horoscopes of the director, producers and the hero, the makers decided to celebrate pre-release event on the same day. Since Oct 2nd is a public holiday due to Gandhi Jayanthi, numerous fans may throng the venue.
NTR is breaking the sentiment and if he scores a hit then he will set a new trend in the industry. Till now Tollywood didn’t witness a single hit from the films which released on Thursday in 2018 except for RX 100.
NTR’s last movie Jai Lava Kusa was an average grosser. Heroine Pooja Hegde too is not having any blockbuster till now and all her films Mukunda, Oka Laila Kosam, DJ, Saakshyam didn’t do well at the box office. Thaman too didn’t have many hits and even Aravinda Sametha audio got mixed response.
The makers are planning grand premiers and though they may get green signal from AP government, they may not get approval from Telangana government over security and other reasons.