Janasena Chief Power Star Pawan Kalyan delivered a sensational revelation during a public meet held in Eluru on Thursday. Pawan Kalyan said, "Three people are conspiring to murder me during elections time.
They wish not to let me contesting in the elections. As such, to ensure their wish is achieved, they are trying to kill me. I know their faces quite well though I don't know which political parties do they belong to."
Meanwhile, Pawan Kalyan lashed out at Denduluri MLA Chintamaneni's criminal acts in Eluru meet as well. He said that the rowdy sheeter expanded his criminal acts in Eluru city as well.
Meanwhile, Saakshi and a few other newspapers reported that a couple of Chintamaneni's supporters went to the hotel where Pawan Kalyan had stayed in Eluru to attack him. As per newspapers' reports, two persons were taken into custody by the police. However, the same news was not seen in largest circulated caste biased newspaper of AP.