Young Tiger Jr NTR and class director Trivikram Srinivas's combo film Aravinda Sametha Veera Raghava is progressing at a brisk pace. Already expectations are increasing as NTR is on a high with hits like Temper, Janatha Garage, Naannaku Prematho and Jai Lava Kusa.
NTR is undergoing remarkable transformation shedding more than 20kgs for his role in which he will be seen delivering dialogues in Rayalaseema accent. NTR is romancing Pooja Hegde and Eesha Rebba in the film. In the meantime shocking rumours are coming out that Aravinda Sametha has shades of NTR's previous film Rabhasa.
This is giving scares to NTR fans as NTR's Rabhasa directed by Santosh Srinivas turned out to be a disaster. Inside talk is Aravinda Sametha has a faction backdrop between warring families headed by Naga Babu and Jagapathi Babu. This is bringing back memories of Rabhasa.
Fans are praying desperately for these rumors to turnout false as they cannot bear Rabhasa shades any more in Aravinda Sametha.