Sudheer Babu, brother in law of Super Star Mahesh Babu is struggling to reach the next level of stardom in Tollywood. After the success of Prema Kadha Chitram, though he entertained with Krishnamma Kalipindi Iddarini, his quest for mass image plunged him into flops. He recently entertained with Sammohanam and is now all set to entertain movie lovers with Nannu Dochukunduvate which is releasing today.
Sudheer Babu who entered into film production speaking to scribes said he decided to produce films to encourage new comers. He said when he shared his plans of entering the film industry with his brother in law Mahesh Babu, though he said yes, he experienced jitters. He said Mahesh was worried as his shyness will suit in the industry or not. He said he feels that he is making a net practice and ground work to produce a film with his super star brother in law.