Controversial actress Sri Reddy for long has been making shocking allegations about casting couch in Tollywood. She even dragged top celebrities but her slip of tongue, accusing Power Star Pawan Kalyan using abusive and obscene words, robbed her off all the sympathy on her among the people.
Her actions of late practicing shoot and scout strategy backfired miserably as celebrities slapped her legal notices. Even channels which at first encouraged her on their live shows for TRP ratings, ignored her.
Under these circumstances, she shifted her base to Kollywood and made similar accusations against Tamil celebrities. Now Sri Reddy who is currently in Chennai is enjoying all the media attention there.
In the midst of all this, it is coming out that a biopic is coming on Sri Reddy titled Reddy Diary. Director Alauddin revealed that the Biopic will highlight the important happenings in Sri reddy's life.
Sri Reddy said her release of list of names about those involved in casting couch will continue relentlessly. She added that she has the information of all those who cheated her and will reveal those video proofs when time comes. She claimed that Nadigar Sangam extended its support for her biopic. The question is what ripples Reddy Diary will create on silver screen.