Prince Mahesh Babu's upcoming 25th film is becoming one of the highly anticipated projects of Tollywood. Until a couple of days ago, the movie's title was rumoured to be Rajasam. Now that the title got lukewarm response among movie folks, the makers dropped the idea of confirming the title Rajasam. However, a powerful title maybe locked for the film as it being made as a full length commercial potboiler with Rayalaseema backdrop in it.
Mahesh's character will have two shades in the film. Comedy hero Allari Naresh sports a crucial role as Mahesh Babu's brother. Pooja Hegde is playing Mahesh Babu's romantic interest.
Devi Sri Prasad is providing tunes. The movie is being directed by Vamshi Paidipally. Aswini Dutt, Dil Raju and PVP are jointly producing the film. The movie is slated for release in the first week of April, 2019.