Here is an interesting update from Prince Mahesh Babu. The Prince will be teaming up with Bollywood star Ranvir Singh soon. However, this collaboration is not for a movie. Instead, the stars will be working together for a to beverage brand Thums Up.
Mahesh Babu has been endorsing Thums Up for ten years. The company doesn't wish Mahesh let go of the deal anytime sooner. On the other hand, young hero Ranvir Singh replaced Bollywood Superstar Salman Khan in 2016 and has been endorsing the brand at national level since then.
The new commercial of Mahesh and Ranvir would be a sleek action-packed commercial for the beverage. An interesting theme has been designed by the writers and soon the commercial will be canned.
On the movies front Mahesh Babu is working for Vamsi Paidipally's directorial venture which has Pooja Hegde in female lead role. Early summer is set as movie's release date.