Young Tiger Jr NTR enjoys huge fan following among all sections of movie lovers. His fan following cross Telugu states and even Bollywood movie lovers hail his exceptional expressions, dances and stunts as they often watch his super hit films dubbed and screened in various channels.
In the meantime, Bollywood young hero Varun Dhawan surprised all saying he is a big fan of NTR. During his interactions with fans, Varun Dhawan posted, 'I'm A Fan', when a follower asked him to share his opinion on Young Tiger NTR.
When another fan asked whether Young Tiger is starring in his upcoming entertainer Rann Bhoomi, he said he cannot answer those questions, but only the film director Shashank Khaitan is qualified to reveal any secrets.
Varun Dhawan's conversation is triggering speculation on NTR's entry into Bollywood.