Sudheer Babu's Sammohanam is running with decent talk at the moment. The film's heroine Adithi Rao Hyderi received the accolades of critics for her performance in the movie. As per inside reports, Adithi will be working for a crucial role in Prince Mahesh Babu's highly awaited 25th venture being directed by Vamsi Pydipally.
Incidentally, Mahesh showered praises on Adithi during the audio launch event of Sammohanam.
Pooja Hegde is doing female lead of the movie. Mahesh's character will have two shades in the film. Currently, college scenes are being shot on lead artists in Dehradun. Devi Sri Prasad is composing tunes. The movie is being produced by Dil Raju, Aswini Dutt and PVP.