Power Star Pawan Kalyan led Janasena seems to have learned some crucial lessons from Prajarajyam Party owned by Megastar Chiranjeevi. As a result, Janasena chief has taken some sensible decisions which turned fruitful to the party now. Following are the various issues which are being well handled by Janasena at the moment.
ABOUT YELLOW MEDIA: Yellow channels and newspapers bias on ruling TDP is one of the biggest problems being encountered by people of AP. The biggest damage done by them is that supporting three crop yielding Amaravati was chosen for AP's capital instead of readymade cities Vizag and Kurnool. Meanwhile, yellow media slang mud on PRP during 2009's elections. Resultantly, the party had to face defeat. Most of the innocent people couldn't read between the lines. They had a blind belief on yellow media's articles. Janasena, however, has given prime importance to checkmate yellow media's bad propaganda. If at all any hatred program or article appears in yellow media, the counter for that article or a program appears in social media within no time and it is read by everyone through their cellphones. Of course, there was no social media for PRP to use it as a weapon then.
ABOUT COVERTS: Janasena is learnt to have prepared a special sketch to eradicate ethics less coverts from the party. Janasena is reportedly applying step 1, step 2 and step 3 formula to recognise coverts. Soon after identifying coverts, they will be shown doors immediately after step 1 exercise is done. Janasena has done a case study on mental conditions of Kesineni Nani, Parakala Prabhakar and a few other alleged coverts of PRP.
ABOUT COMPETITION FROM OTHER PARTIES: As a matter of fact, there were no administrative blunders during the tenure of YS Rajasekhar Reddy. As such, there was no anti incumbency. Eventually, ruling Congress party stood as a strong force during 2009's elections which axed PRP's winning prospects. With Janasena's fortune, ruling TDP is making many blunders and is experiencing anti incumbency. For time being, Janasena has a strong opposition from YSR Congress only.
ABOUT CRITICISMS FROM LEADERS AND BOOTHULU FROM PECULIAR PERSONALITIES: Basically Pawan Kalyan is a rebellious leader and the intensity in his voice has been a god's gift for him. Moreover, his tit for tat attitude brings shivers down the spines of his political rivals. On the other hand, some peculiar personalities are being hired by TDP and encouraged them to use abusive words on Pawan Kalyan. Janasena team has been succeeded in projecting all those peculiar personalities are 'Theda characters to the society'.