Here are some shocking developments against Andhra Pradesh CM Chandrababu Naidu and his son and IT minister Nara Lokesh. According to the reports, Telangana CM KCR has reviewed 'Vote for Note' case today. He convened a meeting with DGP, JC and other police officials to learn the progress of the case. Reportedly, a few crucial video evidences were received by the officials and are all set to handover them to Forensic Department.
On the other hand, both Nara Lokesh and CBN are under a huge threat if the allegations on them are proved. According to some sources, Nara Lokesh was indulged in a Rs.20000 crores scam in IT sector. Some sources have disclosed that strong evidences of the scam were sent to PMO, CBI and CVC. Following are the allegations against Nara Lokesh, cited by those sources.
* The total scam is valued to Rs.20000 crores.
* The IT policy was prepared in such a way benamis of Lokesh. could be benefited.
* Accordingly the GOs were also released to do favour to benamis.
* Based on the GOs sites and thousands of crores worth sops were allocated to companies.
* In Dallas itself a total of 26 MoUs were signed in the presence of CBN.
* Much publicized MoUs were done by TDP's activists and loyalists. But why? The government will bear the expenses of rents of the buildings, Rs.15 lakhs for internet connectivity, Rs.5 lakhs per patent file, free electricity, free stamp duty, free registration etc. Moreover, GST will not be levied and many other benefits would be offered.
* Innova Solutions company itself got Rs.1150 crores worth benefits by AP government.